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Beavers Community Primary School

Beavers Community Primary School

Living, Learning, Laughing
  • Beavers will, without excuse or compromise, provide the best start to life for all of the children in its care.Ofsted 2014

  • The leadership and management of the school at all levels are outstanding. This includes the leadership of the Early Year Foundation Stage and the provision for disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs.Ofsted 2014

  • Pupils’ outstanding behaviour contributes to their high achievement. They always come to lessons ready to learn and are fully engaged in their learning. They work extremely well with each other and relationships are excellent. Ofsted 2014

  • A high proportion of teaching is outstanding and is never less than good. It is very comprehensively managed by all leaders and achievement data are used effectively to plan lessons. Ofsted 2014

  • Pupils make outstanding progress in reading, writing and mathematics. Their achievement is above the national averages at the end of Year 6.Ofsted 2014

  • Children receive an excellent start in the Early Years Foundation Stage. They enter the Nursery with well below age-related expectations and leave Reception at or above expected levels of development. This represents outstanding progress.Ofsted 2014

  • Reception Open Morning - Tuesday 12th November at 9.30am

    If your child is due to start Reception in September, we welcome you to visit our school on Tuesday...